About Me
- Royaltapdancer
- Eric Cantona
My Blog List
6 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
15 years ago
Only for citizens you throw objects at your opponent there are tomatoes, cabbages and pillows you have to click your mouse button very fast.
And also there is some new citizen magic available:
If you buy Citizenship in May you'll get an exclusive Mummy suit!!!
Now the bad news its more expensive to buy membership
Ranks & Recruits
Emperor (Kilabeez, Canab)
Empress's (Royaltapdancer, Aqua144)
Head Generals (Josip52, Cronky09)
Generals (video,Chow, Hikikomori, Moonkee)
Sargent's (nintendodsi!, rickyglam, Ragu)
Lieutenant (floppyj10, Jordnjack)
Foot soldiers (spoo1, nitrogen, Shocko, Kila9, animefan, Dany360, Dkeesler)
Here is the link for the new blog
Please vote for me, hi i am Dancer i cant enter many compititions, heres the link thank you
I was in cafe street when i saw swifty asking for help, along came fimble and said he would help him. He took him to the cloths shop and explained what to do he than also gave him some cloths.
Well Done Fimble i hope one of the moderators reads this, i would recommend you to be an agent because you deserve it.
We started in Nichos Kingdom
hikikomori loves us all
- laurie bob wins a Pirate suit
- Bans121 wins a White chlos shirt
- yousef2 wins a Carrot bag
Please see me royaltapdancer or ericcantona or leave comment to arrange a meeting
users on line
My real hamster Henry
Henry asleep in his bed
another pic of Henry
Blog Archive
- Spiderman by Gonzales
- Art by Animeangel
- Ruler Party
- Basia Art
- Art by Basia
- Art by Elise 23, Thank you
- Thank you art by iqhnjkfh
- New mod vecna
- Dancer by Animeangel
- Chlos is a Hero, hes got a medal, lol
- Tinagothic by Basia
- New game Chothrow
- Romanbots Gang
- Dancer
- Art by Basia
- Yellow Vs. Violet
- Happy Chobots
- Art by Basia
- Cute Bears
- fimble would make a good agent
- Art by Basia
- Chistochob Glitch
- Recycle Bin
- Art by Guguzi
- hikikomori lightbulb party
- Art By Guguzi
- {ghost}
- Winners of Competition
- Pirate Suit Competition
- hikikomori is 50 Happy Birthday
- Mods have new cloths
- Heads get the Chop
- Chistochob
- Musical Instruments and a new choboard in shops.
- Small Updates? Yea, but they are cool! :)
- Art By Basia, top picture she added me :)
- Art By Guguzi